

欢迎来到葫芦顶新村网站! 我们将会不定时地在这里分享最新的资讯, 包括村里的活动, 文化特色和发展更新. 我们的社区充满活力与传统的结合, 希望通过这个平台能让更多人了解我们美丽的村庄.

Welcome to the Pertang Village website! We will share the latest posts here from time to time, this includes our village activities, our cultural and our development updates. Our community is full of vitality and tradition, and we hope that through this platform more people can People know our beautiful village.


葫芦顶这个拥有百年历史的乡村, 名字让人遐想无限, 许多初次听闻其名的人们往往误以为这里遍植葫芦, 或因其名暗示地形之高而有些偏远之感. 然而, 这只是一种误会, 葫芦顶的实际并非如此, 村内偶有家庭种植葫芦, 但并未广泛种植, 也不位于山顶. 这个误解反而成了一个美丽的传说.

The village of Pertang has a rich history with hundreds of years, its mesmerising name upholds unlimited potential. Many who hear its name for the first time often mistakenly think that the village consist of bottle gourds, or it implies that the terrain is at a high altitude which makes people feel that it’s located far away at a remote place. However, these are misunderstandings which in fact, Pertang isn’t exactly like what is being mentioned. Occasionally, there are families growing bottle gourds in the village, but they are not vastly planted or planted on the mountain top. The misunderstandings has turned the village into a beautiful legend.


10c Film团队于2023年11月25日前来葫芦顶新村拍摄的影片

葫蘆頂, 是一個位於森美蘭州Jelebu鎮附近的小村莊,歷史豐厚,空氣新鮮,非常貼近大自然。
Pertang is a small village located near the town of Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan, with a long history, plenty of fresh air and very close to nature.

10c Film

我们衷心感谢10c Film团队来到我们的村庄进行拍摄和记录,对你们的努力表示由衷的感激!

We sincerely thank the 10c Film team for coming to our village to capture and document our community through their lens. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!



  • 初期学习阶段颇为重要, 所谓再穷也不能穷教育
  • 绝大部分葫芦顶人曾就读这间历史悠久的幼儿园



  • 经六次搬迁, 于1953迁至此址
  • 三大种族学生就读, 和睦相处 互相了解包容他族与文化
  • 培养出众多成功专业人士

Renewing our village relies on the younger generation. Bringing fresh energy into our community needs teamwork from all of us. Every bit of help will lead to success, so let’s work together to build a wonderful future.

乡村振兴靠年轻人. 乡村要焕然一新, 需要大家团结努力. 每一份努力都会有成果, 我们一起努力, 创造美好未来, 努力就有回报



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